Discount Codes
Discount Codes may be defined for each event.
- For each discount code, you must define the actual code and a description.
- In addition, the discount amount can be defined as a dollar amount or percentage.
- If entered as a percentage, you should enter the amount using a whole number (i.e. 5% should be entered as 5, NOT .05).
- Other options include setting discount availability by defining a begin and end date/time, and/or defining a set number of uses. If a set number is defined, registrants will no longer be able to use the given discount code after that point.
- However, a Compass user will still have the ability to assign that code to a registration if deemed necessary. Further, the availability of any discount code should be associated with Participant Types. You may have discounts codes that are only available to a limited Participant Type.
- Click "Add" in the top right
- Fill out these fields:
- Code
- Description
- Discount Amount
- Discount Percentage
- Maximum Uses
- Begin and End Date and Time
- Participant Types
- "Add Discount Code"
Click into the Discount Code, update fields, and "Update Discount Code".
Click "Deactivate" to the right of the Discount Code.
Click "Delete" to the right of the Discount Code.