Event Search
Left-hand Navigation: Events » Searches
The Event Search allows you to pull back information regarding Individuals, Fundraising, and Event-specific details as it relates to specific Events in Compass.
Step 1: Search Individual
- Allows you to define individual search criteria for your search. All individual/people search fields are available, just as they are in the People Search to use as criteria.
Step 2: Search Fundraising
- Allows you to define fundraising criteria for your search. This allows you to define the participant records you wish to see based on their Giving History, Fundraising Custom Fields, Pledges, etc.
- Users who do not have access to Fundraising data will not have these search options available.
Step 3: Search Events
- Allows you to search using Event information.
- In the Event Search section, you have three menu tabs – Events, Participants, and Transactions.
- If you select a particular Event in this search, all sessions, packages, etc. will be populated specific to that event. If you are instead looking for information such as [all participants who attended any event during a given date range], you would leave the Event unspecified and instead, input the date range desired in the Event Start Date and Event End Date fields.
- This will limit your search slightly, because all Event configuration options are within specific events, and will not be searchable. Session search options and Package information (pick lists) are populated within the search after an event is selected.
- If you choose to “Allow Output in Results” on the Session and Packages search forms, you will still be able to get the data but may introduce multiplicity in your output.
- Under Participants, you are able to search based on Participant Information, Room Information, and Custom Field data.
- Transactions allow you to search based on individual transaction activity related to events.
Once you have your output, you are able to add data columns as desired and set your default data returns just as you are from a people search. In addition, you have the option to save your search, email the individuals in your data set, create labels, and export the data, if desired.