Payment Plans
Left-hand Navigation: Compass Billing » Compass Billing Actions » Payment Plans
Use this page to set up a Payment Plan for a chapter. Chapters on a Payment Plan won't follow the same aging and late fee settings as other chapters.
- Click "Add" in the right-hand corner.
- Select the Chapter from the picklist.
- You will be redirected to the chapter’s record in Chapters > Compass Billing > Payments Plans.
- You may also start here and follow the proceeding steps to set up a payment plan, rather than starting in Compass Billing Actions.
- Click the "Add" button.
- Fill these fields (bolded are required):
- Enter the Invoice Name (ex.: Annual Dues Cycle 1).
- Select whether to Auto Post the payment plan invoice. If you leave the box unchecked, you will need to manually post the invoice.
- Enter the Invoice Notes, if applicable.
- Enter Public and/or Private Notes, if applicable.
- Click "Next".
- Select the outstanding invoices to include in the payment plan.
- Click "Next".
- Enter the Bill On Date. This is the date the payment plan will post and be due.
- Enter the Due Amount.
You will be taken back to the main payment plans page on the chapter's record, then you're finished.