Mass Invoice Transactions
Left-hand Navigation: Compass Billing » Compass Billing Actions » Mass Invoice Transactions
Use this page to create invoices for multiple chapters at once.
- Fill in the Mass Invoice Transaction fields:
- Enter a Default Invoice Name (example: Late Fee).
- Select a Default Interval from the picklist.
- Enter a Default Year.
- Fill in the Invoice Transaction fields:
- Select a Chapter from the picklist.
- Invoice Number will populate to New Invoice or you may select a previous invoice number from the same picklist.
- Select a Charge Type from the picklist.
- Only use the type of Inventory you have set up under Compass Billing > Compass Billing Options > Inventory Management.
- Select the Inventory Name from the picklist, if applicable.
- Select the Transaction Type.
- Select the National Account.
- Enter a Description.
- Enter the Quantity, only if a Charge type of Inventory is selected.
- Enter the amount. If a Charge type of Inventory is selected, you will enter the amount per item.
- Continue entering invoices until finished.
- Click "Create Invoices" at the bottom.
Don’t forget to post the invoices in Compass Billing » Compass Billing Actions » Invoice Listing.