Sub Query Search
Left-hand Navigation: Advanced Search » Step 1 (Select Perspective) » Step 2 (Select Criteria)
The basis of the criteria for a Sub Query Search is not directly in relation to the records you wish to retrieve.
Use Sub Queries when you wish to stipulate criteria that do not directly relate to the record you wish to receive.
Example 1: Initiates who were Initiated in 2017 who have a Parent that is an Alumnus.
The records you want to see are the Initiates, but you’re using criteria from other party records (the parents’ relationship and Current Member Status) to define the results set. Criteria should reflect the following:
Example 2: Parents of members who were Initiated after 01/01/2017.
The records you want to see are the Parent records, but the criteria you use to define which specific parent is the information that resides on the child’s record. Criteria should reflect the following:
Example 3: Members of chapters in Georgia and Alabama.
The records you want to see are the member records, but a portion of the criteria you use to define the list resides on their chapters’ records. Criteria should reflect the following: