Donation Creation - PLEDGE
Left-hand Navigation: Fundraising » Fundraising Functions » Donation and Payment Entry » Search for Donor » Click New Donation
Left Hand Navigation » People Search » Search for Individual » Profile » Fundraising » Donations » New Donation
Step 1
Fill in these fields (bolded is required):
- Campaign – Populates a list of all active Campaigns in Compass
- Type – Select Pledge
- Entered On - Automatically date-stamp the donation with today’s date.
- Donation Date - Can be Received On date, Entered On date, or Date on Check. This date will default to the Entered On date but can be changed.
- Send Thank You – Yes/No
- Default Letters - Field will populate a list of active Thank You letters for the campaign selected.
- Legal Amount - Record the cash-in-hand provided by the donor.
- Count In Campaign Totals- "Yes or No". Answer according to how you want the donation amount added to the total amount raised for the campaign. Consider that if you choose not to count this donation or payment in the campaign total, it won't be counted in the donor's Cumulative Giving Totals. This donation/payment will be counted in the donor's calendar and Fiscal/Lifetime Giving Totals.
- Recognition Amount - The amount you want to recognize the donor has given. This amount is how you recognize the donor in Giving Levels and reports in Compass.
- This feature might come in handy if a donor has made a $250 donation but wrote a check for $260 because he also bought a t-shirt. In this case, the Legal Amount is $260 but the Recognized Amount for the charitable gift is $250. The $10 for the t-shirt will then be added in the Quid Pro Quo column available during step 3.
- Tax Deductible – Refers to "Legal Amount"
- Source - Where the money came from
- Appeal – Was this donation received as a result of a specific appeal? If selected, a drop-down of active appeals added to this specific Campaign will populate in the picklist.
- Solicitor – Was this donation received as a result of a direct ask by another person? If selected, a drop-down box of solicitors assigned to this campaign will populate.
- Fund Account – Select the Fund Account(s) where the money will be attributed. There is a limit of five fund accounts that can be added here, and the distribution percentage must total 100%.
- Donation Notes – Users may want to add notes about this donation to this column.
Step 2
Here, tie a payment schedule to the pledge and indicate if a reminder needs to be sent.
Fill out these fields (bolded is required):
- Terms – Conditions of payment
Annually – Once a year
Bi-Monthly – Every other month
Monthly – Once a month
Quarterly – Four times a year
Semi-Annually – Twice a year
Trimesterly – Three times a year
Duration – Amount of time pledge will exist until it is satisfied or paid in full.
Number of Months – How many months, based on the pledge terms, it will take to pay off the pledge.
Installments – How many payments, based on the pledge terms, will it take to pay off the pledge.
Once submitted, Compass will automatically calculate the installments based on the payment schedule.
Start Month – Will default to the current month but can be modified based on the terms of the pledge.
Start Year - Will default to the current year but can be modified based on the terms of the pledge.
Send Statement - Indicates whether you would like pledge reminders to populate for the donor.
Yes – Pledge reminder will populate on the day you selected in Campaign Set-Up.
No – Individual pledge reminder will not populate for this pledge.
Recurring – Yes/No
Recurring Processor (If Compass Payment Processing is turned on) - OmegaFi/Client (Decides who physically processes the money)
Recurring Status - Status of the donation
Active - Good standing
Suspended - If the credit card is unusable until new card info is obtained
Expired - Expired card on file
Paid In Full
- Recurring Day of Month - Day the donor wants to be charged
- Recurring Payment Amount - How much will be charged
- Recurring Payment Method/Credit Card type - Will expand to enter credit card information
Step 3
Tie a dedication to the donation during this step. If you don’t have a dedication to add, you can skip this step by clicking “Next”.
- Recognize As – If you don’t put anything here, the donor’s full name will automatically be the way the donation is recognized. This field is used if someone wants to be recognized in a different way (spouses giving a combined gift, nickname, etc.).
- Dedication – "Yes/No"
- In Honor Of – Honor someone who is living
- In Memory Of – Honor someone who has passed away
- Search – If the person has a record in Compass, you can search here. Clicking on the person you want will populate their contact information in the fields. You can also manually enter an individual if they are not in Compass.
- Acknowledgment – This will show in the Dedication Report for you to send an acknowledgment if you choose. Campaign > Reports
- Search – If the person has a record in Compass, you can search here. Clicking on the person you want will populate their contact information in the fields.
Matching Gift Information
- Matching Gift Eligible – "Yes/No"
- Match Donation – Include the company that will be matching the donation. How do you get names to populate in this picklist?
- Marking a gift, "Matching Gift Eligible" to "Yes", will populate gifts in this picklist. All “unmatched” matching gifts will be listed. You can only match gifts in the same campaign.
Step 4
This step allows for Payment Entry if needed.
Fill in these fields (bolded is required):
- Processor - OmegaFi/Client (Who will physically process the gift)
- Received On – Defaults to the current date, but you can change based on what your org. refers to as “Received On”. I.E., Donation Date, when the check was opened, etc,
- Payment Batch – Defaults to the most recently opened batch. Picklist will include all open batches.
- Amount – Default to the amount entered on step 1 in the "Legal Amount" field.
- Quid Pro Quo Amount – Value of Goods or services received. (Non-Tax Deductible)
- Payment Method – Compass offers several payment options here.
- Thank You Letter – Will populate letter you picked in step 1. You can change this letter if needed. The Thank You is generated from this payment screen, so the letter entered here is what will generate in the Print Queue.
- Transaction Notes – Fill in any notes about the payment.
Once all steps are complete, hit "Create Donation".