Annual Giving Levels
In order to recognize donors, foundations establish giving societies that appropriately reflect each contribution. Annual Giving reflects the donors giving during the Fiscal/Calendar year.
Top Navigation: Admin » Fundraising » Annual Giving Levels
- Include Soft Credits – Selecting this option will include any soft credit donations (based on payments received), given in a specific year, in a donor’s annual giving totals.
- Include Planned Gifts – Selecting this option will include any planned gift made by a donor within the fiscal/calendar year, in their annual totals.
- Include Pledges – Selecting this option will include any money promised by the donor, in a specific year, in their annual total.
- Fiscal/Calendar - Chose your organization’s annual recognition dates to be fiscal or calendar year.
Click on the "Add" button in the right-hand corner to add the levels
- Name – Name of your Annual Giving Level
- From Amount – Minimum amount to qualify for the level
- To Amount – Maximum amount to qualify for the level
** Amounts cannot overlap and they have to have a cap amount for the last level.
NOTE – Users must contact OmegaFi in order to change any of these settings. Once informed, OmegaFi will recalculate the system so that the new amounts/data will reflect on an individual's account.