To search for Fundraising Asks, go to the FUNDRAISING module > Searches.
In Step 1: Pick Classification, select PEOPLE.
In Step 2: Filter Entity, select your applicable search criteria and click the Next button at the bottom right of the screen.
In Step 3: Search Fundraising, select the Fundraising Asks tab, check the box for ‘Fundraising Asks’, select your criteria, and click the Search button at the bottom right of the screen.
On the search results screen, select the +/- COLUMNS button to access the Fundraising Asks column options. Check the box(es) you wish to add to your results. When checked, those columns will appear in your search results screen.
On the search results screen, you can also select the SAVE button to save your search criteria and columns, as well as automate the distribution of your search results. (See: Saved Search Automation and Distribution.)
The search results screen also allows you to select certain ACTIONS, view a heat MAP, pull a 360 REPORT, EMAIL and EXPORT your search results.
- ACTIONS = Edit custom fields and/or add a contact log for all records in the search results.
- MAP = View all records from the search results in a heat map.
- 360 REPORT = Create a 360 report with all records in the search results.
- EMAIL = Send an email to all email addresses in your search results.
- EXPORT = Export your search results to a separate file.