How "Allowing Output in Results" changes a search
When searching on certain data, such as Career or Relationships, the "Allow Output in Results" option will change the additional fields of data available from the +/- columns of the results. To pull in additional fields from the +/- columns, you must leave "Allow Output in Results" checked.
If you uncheck it in the search, additional fields will not be available in the +/- columns. "Allowing Output" may also pull back more than one row of data for an individual. When you uncheck the feature, the results cannot add/separate two lines of data for one individual if they were to have more than one current employer name or office, hypothetically speaking.
The “Allow Output in Results” option at the bottom of the page is shown on every page within People Search; however, it is editable only on pages that require activation. By selecting "Allow Output in Results", you introduce the possibility of multiplicity and gain the ability to include additional data in your results set. By deselecting "Allow Output in Results", each record will only display once, giving a true count of how many unique records fit the criteria.