Chapter Tax Filing
This article will display the features behind the Chapter Tax Filing Report, and list the necessary criteria that you must have to finish your report.
Fill out the Tax Report
You can view a group or all Chapters’ tax status on the Chapter Tax Filing Report available under the "Chapter Reporting Menu". Submit your criteria of "Chapters", "National Grouping", "Tax Status", "Alerts", and "Last filing year". For example:
Search all Chapters
with a Tax Status of Exempt
with the Last filing between 2009 and 2014
Your results will contain the matching chapters
Use the title columns to sort the results. You can also export the results by clicking the PDF or Excel buttons in the upper right corner. A note will appear in the Alerts column if the Chapter’s tax-exempt status is in jeopardy or if the Chapter applied for reinstatement via OmegaFi. Place your cursor over the alert icon for more information.
Remember you can filter your results to show a list of chapters with either of these alert reasons. Click the line for a specific chapter to navigate directly to their Tax Filing Info page.